This database is under construction, and data-cleaning is ongoing. - For more information, see the page 'About'


600 Collections
540005+ Book items
27431 Non book items (5.1% of total)
1770 Works
12400 Persons (including 565 female)
78 Countries
3007 Cities (places of birth, death, and publication)
100 Languages
320313 Item-Person relations (59% of total number of book Items)
99541 Item-Work relations (18% of total number of book Items)
365681 Items with date (68% of total number of book Items)
403305 Items with place of publication (75% of total number of book Items)
7400 Persons with place of birth (60% of total number of persons)
6719 Persons with place of death (54% of total number of persons)
455667 Books with language (84% of total number of books)
268872 Books with Parisian category (50% of total number of books)